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DIY 101

Develop a mindset of saving resources and energy, and find the right tools available around you to be self-reliant and sustainable.

Course Overview

While most of the population becomes more and more dependent on service providers that take time, and money, and add to our carbon footprint with transportation to reach us, it is of high value to revive the self-reliance skills for basic repair and DIY needs.

DIY – Do It Yourself skills can be our individual way to contribute to the sustainability movement, while we also gain the sense of independence and satisfaction to have created something tangible.

Learning Outcomes

  • Develop a mindset of saving resources and energy.
  • Find the right tools available around you to be self-reliant and sustainable.

Who can benefit from this course?

Everyone from junior professionals to experienced company staff.

Course Details

Course Price

RM400 / person

Class Size

8 - 25 people

Course Duration

2 hrs

Delivery Method

In-Person Training

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